Dr Rajaa Salim
Associate dentist
GDC no: 251721
Dr. Rajaa Salim trained at King’s College London and graduated in 2014. Since then, she has been working in practice and undertaking courses to broaden her clinical skills. She became a certified Invisalign provider in 2017 and has enjoyed helping many patients achieve their dream smile through Invisalign, sometimes coupled with whitening and composite bonding to give a full smile makeover. “A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear” – and she can help you get there!
Rajaa loves the variety of patients and treatments that each day brings and has a keen interest in Cosmetic Dentistry, including Invisalign and Composite Bonding. She is also fully qualified to offer anti-wrinkle and excess sweating treatments, as well as dermal fillers. She has completed a Postgraduate Diploma to ensure she offers the highest quality of treatments.